Friday, March 23, 2012


Inference : The time taken for a spring to oscillate depends on the mass of the weight.

Hypothesis : As the __________of the weight increases, the ____________ for a spring to oscillate increases.

Aim : To ______________ the ___________ between _______ and the ____________ for a  spring to oscillate and to determine the value of k.

Variables: Manipulated : ______________
               Responding :  ______________
               Constant : length of spring.

Apparatus and materials : ____________, ______________, _____________ and weight.

Procedure :
1. The apparatus  was set up.
2. Spring with the mass hanger and weight of 0.10 kg was pulled and released.
3. The time taken for the spring to make 10 oscillations was recorded with a stopwatch.
4. Step 2 was repeated with different mass 0.15 kg, 0.20 kg, 0.25 kg, 0.30 kg, 0.35 kg and 0.40 kg.
5. The time taken for the spring to make 10 oscillations for each weight was recorded twice.
6. All results were tabulated in the table below.

Results :

Mass, m
Time taken for 10 oscillations

T = t/10 (s)

T2 (s2)
t1 (s)
t2 (s)
t (s)


Hypothesis is accepted.As the ____________ of the weight ____________, the _____________ for a spring to oscillate increases.